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Lightweight modular ORM for Java and Android.

May 9, 2015

SquiDB is a SQLite database layer for Android. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to work with SQLite databases while still enabling the power and flexibility of raw SQL. SquiDB combines features of an ORM with object-oriented SQL statement builders to make it easy to read and write your data without a bunch of messy SQL strings. It also includes built in tools and hooks to help you easily write database migrations as well as implement ContentProviders.

Apr 25, 2015

RushOrm replaces the need for SQL by mapping java classes to SQL tables.

Core features:

  • Custom fields - easily implement custom fields so that any object can be serialized to the database
  • Relationships:
    • One to one
    • One to many, save lists of children
    • Saving a parent object automatically saves it children
  • Files - easily store long text, JSON and bitmaps
  • Upgrading - database upgrading is supported through annotations removing the need for upgrade scripts
Feb 8, 2015

A robust, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library with annotation processing.

The library eliminates the need for writing most SQL statements, writing ContentValues for every table, converting cursors into models, and so much more.

Let DBFlow make SQL code flow like a steady stream so you can focus on your complex problem and not be hindered by repetitive code writing.

What sets this library apart: baked in support for multiple databases seamlessly, powerful and fluid builder logic in expressing SQL statements, annotation processing to enable blistering speed, ModelContainer classes that enable direct to database parsing for data such as JSON, and rich interface classes that enable powerful flexibility.

Nov 16, 2014

Compile-time active record ORM for Android.

Oct 9, 2014

Shillelagh is an sqlite library. It was built to make life easier. The entire library was built around simplicity when using sqlite in Android.

Oct 5, 2014

A library for creating Data Access Objects from Android Cursors and converting them back into ContentValues.

Sep 21, 2014

Android ORM framework that makes data storage on Android easy.

Jul 5, 2014

Insanely easy way to work with Android Databases. Sugar ORM was built in contrast to other ORM's to have:

  • A simple, concise, and clean integration process with minimal configuration.
  • Automatic table and column naming through reflection.
  • Support for migrations between different schema versions.
Jul 5, 2014

Sprinkles is a boiler-plate-reduction-library for dealing with databases in android applications.

Jul 5, 2014

This library works as a SQLite wrapper and allows you to easily create, query and work with schemas based on objects. This means you can forget about handling queries and Cursors manually, and work directly with Java classes.

Jul 5, 2014

Object Relational Mapping Lite (ORM Lite) provides some simple, lightweight functionality for persisting Java objects to SQL databases while avoiding the complexity and overhead of more standard ORM packages.

Jul 5, 2014

ORMAN is an minimalistic and lightweight ORM framework for Java which can handle your common database usage without writing SQL and struggling with lots of jar dependencies.

Jul 5, 2014

greenDAO is an open source project to help Android developers working with data stored in SQLite.

Primary design goals:

  • Maximum performance (probably the fastest ORM for Android)
  • Easy to use APIs
  • Highly optimized for Android
  • Minimal memory consumption
  • Small library size, focus on the essentials

Jul 5, 2014

DbQuery is a lightweight and fluent SQLite Query API for Android. The API provides a new and simpler way to query data by minimizing the need to write SQL string inside the code.

Jul 5, 2014

Cupboard for Android is simple persistence that gets out of your way and is easy to add to your existing code base.

Jul 5, 2014

Androrm is an object relational mapper especially for android. It will help you develop your applications faster, by taking care of all database related actions, such as table creation, object serialization and deserialization and lookups.

Jul 5, 2014

ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM (object relational mapper).

Jul 5, 2014